Ini plak raya 2 tahun lepas.
Ini paling akhir gambar kemesraan mereka.
Gambar-gambar ini dipilih kerana Mummy suka tengok gambar2 ni mesra jek di tengok. Actually bukan senang nak tengok gambar diorang rapat camni. Sekarang ni dah besar lagi ah susah nak mesra2 macam ni asyik bergaduh jek pastu Daneen lak dah pandai taknak gambar ngan abang dia. Mummy rindu saat2 camni.
The Boy :
Muhammad Danish Syafiq (5y1m)
The Girl :
Nur Daneen Syahindah (2y11m)
Just try another luck :)
This time from MOBS & Comfybebe

Gambar-gambar ini dipilih kerana Mummy suka tengok gambar2 ni mesra jek di tengok. Actually bukan senang nak tengok gambar diorang rapat camni. Sekarang ni dah besar lagi ah susah nak mesra2 macam ni asyik bergaduh jek pastu Daneen lak dah pandai taknak gambar ngan abang dia. Mummy rindu saat2 camni.
The Boy :
Muhammad Danish Syafiq (5y1m)
The Girl :
Nur Daneen Syahindah (2y11m)
Just try another luck :)
This time from MOBS & Comfybebe

How to enter...
1. Be a FOLLOWER of ComfyBebe at - done
2. Be a FOLLOWER of MOBS at - done
3. Choose your best children's SIBLING photo and BLOG about it on your blog. Tell us a bit about why you chose the pic with your kids name and ages (min 2 kids) - done
4. Make sure it has a back link to both MOBS & ComfyBebe blogs - done
5. Leave a comment on MOBS with your name, email and blog link (very important!!) - done
6. Make sure you add this on your sideblog with a backlink to MOBS. - done
6. For those who don't have a blog, email us your kids picture at together with name, email and address, why you choose the pic, kids names and ages :)
** EDITED : For those who don't have siblings, COUSINS can do as long as FAMILY!!!
There will be 4 main PRIZES but depending on no of entries, there might be more :)
So hurry !! Send in your entries now !!

Zoobie Pets Poallu the Polar Bear + Baby worth RM134.90
Consolations Prizes :
Envirosax Bags
and more
Contest runs till 31st August 2009
5 yang membebel:
mesra...suka tengok diaorang..time tak gaduh ye..ian ngan iris pun dah pandai dah berebut toys..tapi adik selalu mengalah...anyway wish u good luck!!!
comelnya daneen.. :) good luck ya!
Gud luck mummy..suke tgk pic no 3 it's so sweeet kn diaorang..
alahai mesra sungguh..tringat masa akak kecik2 dulu dgn abg akak..skrg dh buat hal msg2.
rajin tul masuk contents....alahai budak berdua ni...bila tak de, mesti rindu kan diaorg kan...he he he
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