ni N3 riak sila muntah darah ye...
hahaha barang pinjam bukan harta sendiri pun
menjakunkan diri dengan melayari Youtube

Video Cinta Antara Kita

Suka tengok muka pompuan ni
SO SWEET dowh..

Ni bukan iPhone4 tapi 3Gs
macam lagi best jek
untuk penggemar iPhone4 sila baca notice di bawah
pesanan dari Maxis
Due to overwhelming response, the iPhone 4 is temporarily out of stock at certain Maxis Centres and participating Maxis dealers. But not to worry, new stocks will be available from next week onwards. Watch this space for further updates or follow us on Twitter to get real-time updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
Jot's :: iPhone 4 punye pasal.....
6 yang membebel:
woot..woot.. sila smbung ayt bwh jot's itu..hahaha
wallaweyyyy... syok nyeeee...
tak pa la.. 3GS pun orait apa.. :) sapa punya iPhone tu, mummy dasy..? :D
Hernee :: i tak reti main sambung2 ayat ah ... ;p
Sharleen :: pinjaman xde yg seronoknye..
Zuhaini :: Mr.hBy punye dah lama dah tu..
berlumba semua org nak beli iphone ni..ish ish ish
meh join contest MORTAR BOARD..
p/s : kak..rasanya comment akak patut buat pop-up window la..sbb loading blog akak a bit slow...lg2 yg guna broadband...just suggestion...
E.d.Y :: mmg berlumba2 org2 ni nak beli iPhone..
thanks, akak rasa pun ptt camtu..
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